About Whole Picture Health

My whole reason for starting this site is to have a place to freely express health and well-being through my eyes.

Health to me encompasses the entirety of our lives: our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. These can be connected in ways we never realized before. What I have found in my own life is when I am seeking out information, is it’s not usually telling the whole story. Oftentimes, there is so much buried information on health, and I am constantly researching to get to what I feel is, the truth of the matter. My goal here is to bring to my readers what I feel is the closest thing to the truth I can find. Ultimately, it’s hard to say what the truth is since information and research is always changing, discoveries are frequent, and information is sometimes suppressed. 

If I can at least inspire someone to think about their health from a new perspective and to do their own research, I am happy with that. Researching for me is so much fun, and being able to share that is awesome! I am excited to continue learning and growing together, let’s see what we find out next 🙂