Cellular Voltage and Health

” Voltage is energy that is stored and available to do something. Obviously, everything in the universe is about energy.”

Dr. Jerry Tennant
cellular voltage and health

To start with, I watched quite a fascinating fellow on an episode of Open Minds on Gaia recently. (Side-note- If you don’t subscribe to Gaia, seriously look into it!) They interviewed Dr. Jerry Tennant of the Tenant Institute; a functional and integrative medicine clinic using his own own health protocol. Integrative medicine doctors figure out how to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal, rather than just prescribing pills. He’s dedicated much of his life to healing patients and innovation. He bridges cellular voltage and health together so effortlessly, it just makes sense!

Dr. Jerry is an author of several books on voltage and how that is at the root of our health and healing. Additionally, he’s done extensive work in helping medical professionals understand healing is a matter of voltage. Basically, low voltage in the human body leads to sickness and slower recovery times. Likewise, high voltage allows us to experience optimal health and healing. Our body may just be the battery.

He invented the Tennant Biomodulator for pain relief, who say it’s, “A battery-powered, easy to use, hand-held medical device for pain relief. Additionally, the Tennant BioModulator® stimulates the body at the cellular level through electrical impulses transmitted by electrodes in the device, restoring cellular metabolic activity in the area of treatment. This creates a reduction of pain and inflammation, because of the increased transport of nutrients into the cells and waste out of the cells.” I know that’s quite a mouth-full! But it’s hard to deny it’s not intriguing! Let’s get into how cellular voltage and health connect.

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Understanding Our Body Electronically

Dr. Jerry states, “Well, to understand how the body works electronically, you first have to understand it’s battery system and it’s wiring system. The human body is a portable electronic device. And all portable electronic devices need a battery, don’t they? Well, it turns out that our muscles are rechargeable batteries. And they’re also what’s called Piezoelectric.” Which means when you take something and stress it, and it then emits electrons. Such as when you flex your arm muscles.

He goes on to say, “Our muscles are surrounded by a white fibrous substance called fascia. Now fascia is a semiconductor. An arrangement of molecules that allows electrons to move at the speed of light through them, but only in one direction.” So, the fascia is basically the body’s wiring system. “And so we can move electrons from the batteries, which are our muscles, to places we need them. To whatever organ we need them, at the speed of light.” Hence, when you put an essential oil on your big toe, it immediately goes into your brain. It’s transported through the fascia!

Secondly, all of our organs have their own battery packs. Dr. Jerry notes, “That battery pack is a very specific stack of individual muscles. So, our muscles are stacked together, hooked together, very much like you putting several batteries in a flashlight. An acupuncture meridian is simply a stack of muscle batteries.” He references the acupuncture meridians often and how they correlate to different ‘battery packs’.

Voltage and Health Conditions

“When we want to consider and illness, we must consider it’s power supply.” -Dr. Jerry Tennant

Could it be that an area of your body where there is an illness or health condition, may have low voltage in that specific battery pack? If so, we could ask ourselves why and what could be draining that voltage. Also, why can’t it maintain a charge or voltage? “What one has to do then, is go through a sort of checklist,” expresses Dr. Jerry, “And say, ok, what are the things that are affecting that particular circuit?”

He continues on, “All of our battery packs in our body have specific areas that are terminals, like the terminals on your car battery. Where you would go clamp in to recharge it. We have specific ones. The fascia is a wiring system, if you put a scar across and it goes down and touches the fascia, it creates a short or a ground. So, it drains off some of the voltage. Just like leaving the dome light on in your car.”

Restore Voltage To Your Cells

Our body is always wearing itself out. Therefore, it constantly has to make new cells to replace the worn out ones. When our body is running optimally, it’s making new cells. Conversely, when it’s not healthy, less new cells are made. “Voltage is the stimulus that tells stem cells to activate,” notes Dr. Jerry.

“You get new cells in the lining of your guts replaced every 3 days. The skin you’re sitting in today is 6 weeks old. So a chronic disease of any kind only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells at work,” he claims. To make cells work you need: amino acids, fats, the proper vitamins and minerals, oxygen, nitric oxide and water.

Furthermore, minimizing and detoxing toxins from the body is vital to overall health and voltage. Toxins can seriously damage our cells. They come in different forms, like: chemicals, stress, negative ways of thinking and more. Take a look into my article on grounding, and how it can help restore our electrical fields!

“One of the basic ways we’re designed to recharge our personal battery pack, is to move. Exercise is not just to get your lymphatics moving. Perhaps the most important thing exercise does is it recharges your personal battery pack,” comments Dr. Jerry. When we sweat from exercise we are detoxing too, a bonus!

In summary, I think his work is seriously compelling. I had to share it! The ways in which he describes humans as batteries, is so easily understandable and makes so much sense, to me. It ties in so many other things, such as earthing, for instance. Gives us all a little something to think about at least 😉 If this resonates with you and you want to find out more, look into the Tennant Institute. What do you think about cellular health and voltage? Let me know in the comments below!




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12 thoughts on “Cellular Voltage and Health”

  1. I’ve never heard of Body Electronically but this all thing makes sense to me. Very informative post, thank you so much…

  2. It’s interesting to learn about the importance of maintaining proper cellular voltage levels and how it affects our overall well-being. The tips and insights provided in the article are helpful and I appreciate the author for sharing this valuable information.

  3. Ahh thank you for breaking this down and explaining what VPNs are and how it works. I was always a little confused by it but now I completely understand it. Great info to pass along!

  4. The way you explain complex scientific concepts is impressive, and the practical tips for maintaining optimal voltage are valuable. I look forward to reading more from you!

  5. I am not familiar with cellular voltage, although I have heard a little bit about grounding and using currents for health. I’ll have to look into these devices.

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