Sulfur: The Forgotten Nutrient You Need

What is MSM good for?
“Anything that needs to heal in the body MSM is good for, which is pretty much everything.”

– Dr. Anne Zauderer
sulfur from a volcano

Did you know that sulfur is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body? Behind phosphorus, calcium and potassium. I didn’t realize the importance of it until recently. Sadly, sulfur is often forgotten about. Perhaps, since it has historically been considered only for its importance in soil and plant health, rather than for its importance in human health too.

There is a book on my list to read called, “The miracle of MSM”, by Stanley W. Jacob. As a result of the research I have done on MSM, I believe that title is accurate. I am floored how this mineral doesn’t get more of the attention it deserves! Today, I will dive into why you need to make sure you get sufficient sulfur in your diet. (Side note: I will use MSM and sulfur interchangeably in this post)

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What is MSM and Sulfur?

To begin, MSM is the biologically active and organic form of sulfur. MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane, consisting of two oxygens and two methyl groups, and is made of 34% sulfur by weight. It is a powder closely related to the liquid solvent DMSO, a widely recognized topical analgesic. MSM is the form you want to consume internally. Naturally, it exists in our environment through the ‘sulfur cycle’. This process occurs from the evaporation of ocean waters, the breakdown of plant matter or the weathering of volcanic sediment.

Sulfur Cycle:

  1. Sulfur releases into the atmosphere from different sources like seawater or volcanoes erupting.
  2. Sulfur then converts into an organically-bound form and breaks down into DMS (dimethylsulfide).
  3. DMS further converts into a gas form and is oxidized into DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)
  4. Next it transforms into MSM which concentrates into atmospheric water vapor (aka rain).
  5. Now, MSM falls to the earth as rain, which collects and concentrates back into plants, soil and water!
sulfur in rain

There are lots of food sources that include sulfur; cruciferous vegetables, garlic, almonds, certain grains and legumes, ginger and many more. Unfortunately, due to modern agriculture depleting our soil, there is much lower amounts of sulfur in our soil. If the soil is depleted, so if our food. Of course, consuming these foods is helpful to obtaining sulfur, it just may not be in sufficient quantities.

Importance of Sulfur

“In order for the body to work, in order for healing to occur, you have to provide the building blocks of what makes the body work.” States Dr. Ron Hunninghake MD, of the Riordan Clinic. “Sulfur is one of those very important minerals that, without which, you cannot build the biochemistry of good health.” Without minerals, vitamins can’t work. Minerals are the foundation of good health. Indeed, sulfur is one of the top minerals you need to ensure you are getting enough of. Sulfur is in our muscle, skin and bones. It helps configure proteins and tissue structures, and is even present in our blood. This stuff is everywhere!

Sulfur benefits:

  • Skin, hair and nail health
  • Gut function and parasites
  • Allergies
  • Pain relief
  • Brain health
  • Healing at the cellular level
  • Much more

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Hair, Skin and Nails

Now, sulfur is the mineral that helps hold the structure and maintain the shape in the matrix of collagen. Giving it strength and elasticity. Healthy collagen is dependent upon sulfur, which holds together cartilage and connective tissue. Most of us know how important collagen is when it comes to aging, and if you didn’t before, now you know ha ha.

Sulfur is in keratin too; the tough stuff in our hair, skin and nails. Keratin is made up of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine. As a result of consuming sulfur, you may see longer, thicker hair, faster growing nails and softer skin. It is used both internally and topically for this purpose. An important note, as we age there is even more of a need for sulfur.

Biochemical Pathways in the Body

Next, sulfur is important for many biological processes in our bodies, such as: nerve signal transmission, facilitating enzyme processes, producing insulin, regulating carbohydrate metabolism, detoxing , and removing waste. In fact, sulfur is needed for hundreds of bodily processes!

Specific biochemical pathways it helps with:

  • Glutathione- aids detoxing, eye health, prevents oxidation of LDL(bad) cholesterol
  • Glucosamine- joint repair; the building block for connective tissue
  • Homocysteine- cardiovascular health
  • Cysteine- plays an important role in producing glutathione and taurine
  • Methionine- makes energy molecules and neurotransmitters
  • Lipoic Acid- detoxification, managing blood sugar, an antioxidant
  • Coenzyme A- energy!

Furthermore, sulfur helps to connect the endothelial cells that line our guts so they have tight junctions. This needed to prevent leaky gut and aids in proper digestion. For this reason, you will be able to absorb more nutrients form your diet.


When it comes to the dosage, people say to take varying amounts. Generally, MSM is safe to take with only mild side effects reported. According to the Riordan Clinic; take 500mg, three times a day. They also say any side effects, normally a bit of stomach issues, is a result of your body detoxing. So then scale back a bit if you notice anything.

According to my Happy Body supplements; take between 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp twice daily. Interestingly, there are reports showing people taking 3-6 g of MSM daily, divided into three doses, safely. Although, with such different views, I think it is best for everyone to do their own research on the amounts to take, speak to your healthcare provider, and listen to your body. Also, if you are on medications, take MSM 1-2 hours before or after your medications.

Currently, I take 1/2 tsp twice a day with no issues. I give my boyfriend the same now. In the beginning, I started us each at 1/4 tsp, twice a day, and slowly worked our way up. Patience is required! I put it in water and we drank it in the morning on an empty stomach. Consequently, I was fine but my boyfriends tummy would get a little upset. Afterwards, I’d sprinkle his dose on his breakfast, and drink the second dose right before dinner; his body agreed with that. To summarize, everyone is different so you need to play around a bit to see what works best for you. Dosages depend on body size, health conditions, age, starting sulfur reserves, and toxicity in the body.

msm sulfur crystals

Safety & Additional Comments

MSM comes in powder, crystal and capsule form. Especially important; the purity of your MSM. There is many companies producing cheap and toxic MSM. Look for high-quality, third-party tested (with transparent results), also, the company should tell you exactly how they make it. Not to mention, read the ingredient label too! Be sure your supplier does not include anti-caking additives or additional fillers that may interfere with absorption. I have used the Organic Sulfur Crystals from the brand Happy Body for months now and love it! Accordingly, I did extensive research on them and would recommend them (I am not sponsored by them lol).

What is more, I need to add how MSM on it’s own is powerful. However, when taken alongside Vitamin C, it supercharges it. Also, it improves the absorption rate of MSM. Interestingly, these two work together to amplify each others benefits. So, it is recommended by many to take them together. The Riordan clinic says to take 1000mg of Vitamin C for every 500mg of MSM.

In conclusion, I am extremely passionate and nerdy about MSM ha ha. I am grateful I learned about it and hope it becomes more mainstream in the coming years. For those who have used MSM, please share your experiences in the comments below. I’d love to hear about them! 🙂


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10 thoughts on “Sulfur: The Forgotten Nutrient You Need”

  1. Rhian Westbury

    I had no idea that sulfur was such a big part in the body, or what it covered in our body. Thanks for sharing this and helping educate x

  2. Thank you for sharing such informative and helpful information about sulfur and its benefits in the body. It is fascinating to learn that sulfur is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays a crucial role in various biological processes. I appreciate the explanation of MSM and how it is related to sulfur. Your post has shed light on the importance of sulfur in our diets and how we can obtain it from food sources. Thank you for highlighting the benefits of sulfur for skin, hair, gut, and brain health, among others. I will definitely consider incorporating sulfur-rich foods in my diet and look into the supplements you have recommended.

  3. I had no idea sulfur is good for the body, this is amazing….I need to read a lot more about it. Thank you for the info.

  4. Wow, what an informative article! I had no idea sulfur played such a crucial role in our health. I’ll definitely be more mindful of incorporating sulfur-rich foods into my diet now.

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