To begin with, fulvic acid is something I heard about only a few years ago. I was shocked that this was my first time hearing about this amazing healing element! In fact, one of the incredible benefits is that it nourishes the cells by transporting a higher quantity of nutrients directly into cells, amongst other things. Consuming fulvic acid ensures you receive nearly all of the minerals your body requires! Indeed, this super-healthy dirt surely needs more attention!
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” -Ayurvedic Proverb
Due to nutrient depletion in our soil today, largely from modern agriculture, fulvic acid deserves a closer look. Unfortunately, our soils are lacking critical nutrients, as is the food we eat, and therefore, we are missing those minerals too! Taking it as a health supplement is pretty new. However, farmers have used it for decades now as soil health consistently wanes; applying it to their land to make up for missing nutrients in the soil. Undoubtedly, it is vital to all life on Earth!
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What Is Fulvic Acid?

In the first place, fulvic acid’s elemental composition is simple: Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), and Sulfur (S) —the same basic elements that make up all life. It comes from humic substances, or humus, that microorganisms produce in the soil. Humus is made of numerous organic compounds found in the soil, peat, coal, bodies of water such as streams and lakes, and rock sediment. Millions of microbes continuously break down this decaying plant matter, in a process called humification.
Certainly, the best fulvic acid is found in decomposing, prehistoric plant life deposits. Thus, deposits varies from centuries to millions of years old! Like upwards of 80 million years old, wild!
Of course, the amount of fulvic acid vary depending on sourcing and how old the deposit is. It’s mostly found in the subsoil; below topsoil and above partially altered bedrock. Some experts think the best sources come from parts of New Mexico, Canada, Russia, United States, and China.
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Amazing Benefits of Fulvic Acid

Next, fulvic acid is known as a supercell conductor; taking nutrients we consume to the cells they need to go to in the body. With its small molecular size, it easily passes through the cell membrane. Transforming colloidal minerals (stable minerals with big molecules & no electrical charge) into ionized minerals (minerals that have an electrical charge) that allow it to seamlessly pass through the cell membrane.
Impressively, a single molecule of fulvic acid can carry more than 60 times its weight in minerals and other nutrients into the cells. Basically, this mighty lil’ compound mobilizes food to become our medicine! It’s super fascinating!
Due to all the different plant materials in this substance, there’s a wide variety of nutrients in fulvic. This includes trace minerals, fatty acids, electrolytes, prebiotics, probiotics, and silica. Most brands contain between 70-84 minerals in their products. With this in mind, it’s no wonder there are endless health benefits, such as:
- Easily passes through the cell membrane, therefore it increases the delivery of the minerals into the cells assisting in healthy cell function
- Enhances absorption of other compounds taken with it
- Assists in neutralizing candida overgrowth
- Chelates and complexes inorganic minerals, such as heavy metals
- Increases libido
- A powerful antioxidant
- Helps keep a healthy gut microbiome
- Detoxifies the body
- Helps with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as diabetes
- Enhances immune system function
- Protects cognitive health
- Improves gastrointestinal function
- Better energy levels and vitality
- Helps to grow thick and strong hair and nails
- Repairs skin (natural eczema treatment)

Shilajit, aka Mumijo, was used for thousands of years in traditional medicine, and currently still is. A sticky, tar-like substance, usually from the Himalayas, used in Ayurveda for over 3000 years. As a result of the considerable fulvic acid content in Shilajit, there are majority of healing properties. In addition, Shilajit also contains amino acids and triterpenes, and is a nootropic. Ensure you are getting high-quality Shilajit! Not the unsafe, contaminated kinds that are, sadly, often sold 🙁
Alternatively, fulvic acid is sold in capsules, tinctures, liquid supplements, powders, as well as drinks. You have various options to choose from! It’s worth noting, that during the fulvic acid extraction process, humic acid also extracts. Both of these have nutritional benefits, so all is good, with humic acid specifically known to benefit gut health. Therefore, oftentimes the supplement manufacturers leave it in there. But fulvic acid is far superior to humic acid.
Trustworthy brands list the amount of fulvic and humic from lab tests! On the other hand, cheaper brands simply say there’s a blend, which could mean it has little fulvic and is more humic. Surely, you want more fulvic than humic though!
Cautions And Recommendations

Moreover, look for companies that use extraction methods using water. Contamination occurs if certain extraction methods are used, like chemical extraction! The ideal ones don’t use chemicals and use cool, purified water to extract the fulvic. Additionally, research supplements that are third-party tested in a certified environmental and food laboratory. Who also test for heavy metals, e-coli, molds, and nutrient contents to ensure absolute safety and provide results! Further, look for the exact amount of fulvic acid and humic acid (not combined), transparency with their sourcing, non-GMO, free of chemicals and pesticides, and of course, certified organic.
This may seem like a lot of work to some people. Although, with a growing market of dangerous, toxic ‘supplements’ out there, that are just plain garbage, you need to protect yourself. Arming yourself with knowledge is a great defense. In addition, speak with your healthcare practitioner to ensure it’s safe for you, especially if you are taking any medications or have serious health conditions.
Likewise, I will list a few companies I recommend (and am not sponsored through). Manna Vitality, Mitolife, Vital Earth Minerals, and Clive De Carle. I have personally used Vital Earth Minerals fulvic and humic blend and love it. They are affordable and are transparent with their sourcing and third-party testing, I respect them. I researched the other three and trust them. I am feeling the call to try the Manna Vitality supplement next, it’s a blend of Shilajit with Ormus.
Final Thoughts
Keep in mind that during extraction, minerals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and more extract too. However, there is a big difference between an organic versus inorganic minerals. For example, did you know that an apple has 3-5 mg of aluminum and trace amounts of lead, arsenic, and mercury? Trace or micro minerals are essential for our health if from an organic or plant source. On the other hand, if they are from an inorganic or metallic source, such as heavy metals, they are toxic. Take Chromium for instance, there is an essential trace mineral; trivalent chromium(III), and a toxic, heavy metal; hexavalent chromium(VI). (I talk in-depth about heavy metals in this post.)
Start deep-diving a little more into what fulvic acid can do for your health, and you won’t look back! It’s a supplement I take everyday!
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I’ve never heard of fulvic acid, but it seems like an essential supplement.
I have been taking trace minerals for mold detox and it is very similar. I had mold sickness a while back.
I had never heard of fulvic acid before, and didn’t realize how important it was!
At first I thought it said Folic. This is my first to hear of Fulvic Acid!
This is great info! Will look more into fulvic acid and what it can do for my health. 🙂
I’ve never heard of fulvic soil and I own a farm. This is interesting information for a landowner to know!
I appreciate the informative article on the benefits of Fulvic Acid. Your explanations are clear and concise, making it easy to understand why incorporating Fulvic Acid into our routine can be beneficial for our health. Thank you for shedding light on this important topic!
Such great information! Loving all the details and benefits of fulvic acid!
had no idea of fulvic acid at all but glad to know about it now and its presence in Ayurveda.. also love that quote about diet and medicine – so powerful and true
This is a really great and very informative post, I actually didn’t know anything about this thanks for sharing this with us
This is the first time that I’ve heard of it. Interesting! Thanks for sharing the facts.
Thank you for sharing this post. It is something that I will be thinking about.
Thank you so much for educating me on this! I am all about the best I all natural healthcare and wellness and this supplement is one I am going to check into more as it seems like I need it!