DIY Herbal Hair Infusion Recipe With Apple Cider Vinegar

hair infusion recipe
I combined fresh rosemary and lavender. Then added parsley and sage in dried form!

I love to make my own beauty recipes at home! One of my favorite, and easiest ones to make, is an herbal apple cider vinegar hair infusion recipe. On its own, apple cider vinegar is great for hair. It is known as a condiment made by fermenting apples with live cultures, acids, and minerals. Undeniably, this “condiment” is healthy when taken internally, always diluted. Additionally, it is healthy to use it externally too. A few of the numerous healing properties on hair include:

  • Strengthens hair
  • Helps improve the health of our scalp
  • Adds shine and luster to hair
  • Can aid minor scalp infections, itchiness, and dandruff

Furthermore, once you add in certain herbs your hair obtains an abundance of healthy benefits! The fun thing about this recipe is you can mix and match a variety of herbs. Oftentimes, you can use up leftover herbs in the fridge or ones you have in your spice cupboard/spice rack! This hair infusion recipe is so simple to make and affordable as well.

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Best Herbs To Use For Hair Infusion Recipe

Now, we are on to the juicy bit! I love playing around with different herbs and making new concoctions! With so many herbs providing hair benefits, there is always something new to make! I will list the best herbs to use in a hair infusion. However, feel free to experiment and see what you can come up with yourself and what your hair responds to. Make this hair infusion recipe your own!

herbs for hair infusion recipe
  • Rosemary– This herb is most often touted for use on hair. It is said to nourish hair follicles, add shine to hair, help with hair growth, stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, moisturize the scalp, and even said to prevent greying of hair.
  • Sage– May prevent hair loss, adds shine, stimulates hair growth, may darken hair as it contains tannins that act as a dye, and improves hair texture leading to softer hair.
  • Lavender– Calms the scalp, promotes hair growth, its antimicrobial benefits may improve scalp health, deeply conditions hair, also adds shine.
  • Parsley– Boosts hair growth, reduces dandruff, controls hair fall, enhances shine, and may help with lice.
  • Horsetail– With its high levels of silica, our hair loves horsetail! It strengthens hair, is beneficial for hair loss, improves circulation and calms the scalp, promotes new hair growth.
  • Hibiscus– May prevent premature greying, stimulates hair growth, may help seal split ends, adds shine and softness, is said to help protect scalp from sun damage.
  • Other herbs include marshmallow root, nettle, ginseng, thyme, burdock root, calendula, lemon balm, arnica, and so on!

A Safety Note About Apple Cider Vinegar

Surely, more is certainly not better when it comes to using apple cider vinegar externally or even internally. This healthy tonic is classified as a “weak acid” due to its acetic acid content. Although it’s labeled weak, the high acidity of it is there. When used undiluted and in higher amounts, apple cider vinegar can burn you externally on your skin or scalp. As well as burn your esophagus and break down your tooth enamel. Thus, always dilute and look into the proper dilution proportions!

How To Make The Hair Infusion Recipe

Choose your herbs, get a large mason jar and a strainer. A fine-mesh strainer or a cheesecloth will do. The amount of herbs I use isn’t an exact measurement.

ingredients for hair infusion recipe

Generally, I fill about half the mason jar with a mix of herbs. Then pour the apple cider vinegar in, stir, and place the lid on the jar. Leave a little room at the top between apple cider vinegar and the lid. Next, find a cool, dark place to keep this infusion, out of sunlight. Such as a pantry, cold room or fridge. If not keeping in the fridge, ensure that ALL the herbs are submerged in the apple cider vinegar. Mold will occur if the herbs are not fully submerged in ACV and exposed to air. If this happens, dump out this infusion and start again.

Shake this mixture every couple of days, and add more ACV as needed. After two weeks have gone by, strain the herbs and place this infusion in a jar or bottle of choice. Do NOT dilute until you are ready to use, as water mixed with this infusion will lead to it spoiling.

Personally, when I am ready to use this hair infusion recipe, I add a couple tablespoons of the infusion into a separate jar and add the water. Keep the ACV infusion away from any moisture! This finished infusion doesn’t need to be refrigerated and should keep about 5-6 months undiluted!

Ultimately, I find Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar the best ACV as it contains ‘the mother’; unrefined, and contains all that good stuff from the fermentation process!

hair infusion recipe card

How To Use Infusion

Do not use this undiluted! Ok, I think I’ve stressed that enough so let’s move on to the usage ratios! A general rule of thumb is to mix about five parts water with one part ACV infusion. In other words, with the amounts listed below, add five times as much water as ACV herbal infusion.

apple cider vinegar hair infusion
  • Short Hair– Add 2-3 tbsp (30-45ml) in 150-225ml water
  • Medium-Length Hair– Add 3-4 tbsp (45-60ml) in 225-300ml water
  • Long Hair– 4-5 tbsp (60-75ml) in 300-375ml water

Allow this to sit on your hair for a couple of minutes after shampooing, no more than five minutes, and massage gently into your scalp. Rinse thoroughly. For an added shine boost, rinse with cold water! I use this in place of conditioner and find my mid-length hair soft and manageable as if I had used conditioner. By all means, you can use this after conditioning your hair too, as an additional step. The apple cider vinegar smell does wear off, and your hair will not reek like it all day haha!

It is recommended to use apple cider vinegar only once a week on your hair.

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16 thoughts on “DIY Herbal Hair Infusion Recipe With Apple Cider Vinegar”

  1. I think this would also make a lovely gift. It’s homemade and thoughtful-especially for your loved ones who need that extra boost.

  2. What a fantastic DIY recipe! Combining the goodness of herbal infusions with the magic of apple cider vinegar for hair care is pure genius.Thanks for sharing this herbal hair secret.

  3. Melissa Cushing

    I am so loving this and would love to make this and give it a try for myself! I love homemade recipes like this and if it can help my hair which is going through a serious change as I am getting older…. that will be awesome!

  4. Apple cider vinegar is some amazing stuff. I need to make this and use it to help with my itchiness and dandruff.

  5. I love to make my own beauty recipes too! I’ve tried some hair infusions in the past and now I can’t wait to try this one!

  6. I know of rosemary being good for the hair and scalp, but didn’t know about the vinegar. I should try this soon!

  7. My hair has been tangling a lot lately. While I do need a haircut soon, I think something like this would help my hair a ton. I’ll have to give it a try.

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