The Dangers Of Mouthwash & DIY Recipe

Mouthwash. It’s one of those items that is a staple in the majority of peoples bathrooms. A step in the oral care routine that is not often questioned or given much thought whatsoever. Here I will explain the dangers of mouthwash and share a DIY recipe I use everyday.

Indeed, I love to take a closer look into much of what we deem “normal, everyday” products. As a result, damn have I been floored at what is really in this stuff. Mouthwash is one of these products. Once I realize how toxic a product is, I either look for a non-toxic substitute to buy or I make it myself. Mouthwash is super easy and cheap make, so why not do it yourself?

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Store-Bought Mouthwash

First off, the whole idea of mouthwash obviously makes sense; an easy way to combat bad breath, simple enough. Who wouldn’t think this is a great product to buy? However, using most of the mouthwashes on the market today, especially the big brand ones, actually damage your oral hygiene instead of helping it.

They look fun, with their bright colors and clever packaging. Saying things like, “for a whole mouth clean”, or how many number of benefits it gives you. Don’t be fooled. Most are full of chemicals which end up killing the good bacteria in your mouth. Similarly to our guts, our mouths include good bacteria and bad bacteria, and a microbiome. The oral microbiome supports the remineralization of our teeth. Saliva is an important component in the remineralization process, and mouthwash interferes with our mouths production of it, drying out our mouths. Next, we will discuss more dangers in mouthwash; chemicals, and I will share my go-to DIY recipe!

Chemicals In Our Mouths

Additionally, this study shows how an antiseptic, called chlorhexidine, in many conventional mouthwashes kill good bacteria. Which leads to an imbalance in the oral microbiome and raising blood pressure levels. The impact our oral hygiene has on our health is quite underestimated. Alcohol is associated with killing good bacteria and drying out your mouth. What is more, other studies demonstrate how an altered oral microbiome contributes to a growing list of diseases/conditions, including colorectal cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s. Crazy!

Ingredients such as: alcohol, chlorine dioxide, zinc chloride, sodium fluoride, parabens and tons of others don’t belong in your mouth. You need to think too, every time you swish mouthwash or brush your teeth, a wee bit of this stuff is ingested. Surely, when a mouthwash states it will kill 99.9% of bacteria and germs in the mouth, it’s telling you it’s harming you!

By all means look into this further as I have just given you a little taste of the hazards of mouthwash. With all this in mind, I will now share with you my homemade DIY mouthwash recipe 🙂

DIY Mouthwash Recipe

DIY Mouthwash recipe


  • 2 cups of filtered, un-fluoridated water
  • 2 tsp sea salt or Himalayan pink salt
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • A few drops of all or either; peppermint, tea tree, neem or clove essential oils


  1. Combine water, salt and baking soda in a small pot. Dissolve ingredients over low heat, do not boil. Once dissolved, remove from heat and let cool.
  2. When cooled, add your essential oils of choice and stir.
  3. All done, easy as that!

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9 thoughts on “The Dangers Of Mouthwash & DIY Recipe”

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative article on the dangers of mouthwash and the DIY recipe. It was an eye-opener for me as I wasn’t aware of the harmful effects of commercial mouthwash. The DIY recipe is something I’m definitely going to try out!

  2. Marie Cris Angeles

    I didn’t know about this! Thanks for sharing this with us. Very informative, I enjoy reading this.

  3. We’ve all seen the commercials — just 30 seconds of swishing mouthwash and your teeth will be whiter, your gums will be healthier, and all your bad breath problems will disappear! Except… That’s not really what’s happening.

  4. I read the article you shared on the dangers of mouthwash, and I found it to be informative and eye-opening. The DIY recipe you provided as an alternative is a great idea!

  5. I don’t use mouthwash myself although I buy it for my husband. I might try your recipe at home and see what we think.

  6. Rhian Westbury

    That’s so interesting to read as I had no idea that mouthwash could actually be bad for your dental hygiene. I’ve never thought about making my own x

  7. The bright, fake colors are the first thing I dislike! It’s nice to have some substitutes for the undesirable ingredients.

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