To begin with, I have several ‘weird’ everyday health habits. Things I have adopted as habits slowly over the years, that I now do automatically. Making small tweaks to my daily routine over time is my preference. As opposed to, making numerous big changes at once, which can be overwhelming.
Surely, some of these things may seem weird to some people. As for others, not so much. At the end of the day, I follow where the evidence I find leads me to. Of course, things will change, and some things on this list I may not practice a year from now. I aim to stay open to new information, as well as, to stay open to trying new things.
That’s the thing on the health journey, you have to keep an open mind and listen to what your body likes and dislikes. The truth requires an open mind and an open heart.
The truth requires an open mind and an open heart
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Health Habits #1~ Structure My Water

Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see
Masaru Emoto
Without a doubt, there’s so much more to water than people realize. Many people have come out throughout the years claiming water has its own consciousness and is imprinted with information. Water is not simply H20. Look into the works of Dr. Masaru Emoto and Dr. Gerard Pollack, who study the fourth phase of water-H302, aka EZ Water. Read my post on the healing power of water.
With this in mind, I take great care in the water I drink. My ‘weird’ preparation of water involves a few steps. I ensure I drink filtered, clean water. With this water, I add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt by Selina Naturally. This brand thoroughly tests its salt, even for microplastics, and provides third-party test results. Next, I stir the water with a spoon creating a vortex in the water for a minute or two, while telling my water ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you’. To an onlooker, this would look totally nuts haha. However, after reading the literature on how water changes its molecular structure from its environment, it makes sense.
The late Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author, researcher, photographer, and entrepreneur. Through years of studying and experimenting he concluded that water can change its molecular structure according to the environment it is introduced to.
For instance, Dr. Emoto demonstrated that prayer and heavy metal music influence the structure of water differently. Same with telling the water ‘thank you’ vs ‘I hate you’. To see his findings on how water molecules change their structure when exposed to different words and music, click here. It’s so fascinating, you can actually observe the creation of beautiful water crystals taking form!

Go Outside For A Few Minutes After Waking

Next, I’ve been working on regulating my circadian rhythm as part of my everyday health habits. The circadian rhythm is the body’s 24-hour internal clock that signals when to be alert and when to rest. Regulating this system requires connecting to nature. Human biology evolved with sleep following the daily patterns of sunlight and darkness. If you can get more in sync with these patterns, you will feel better. Artificial light, something everyone is exposed to, messes up this internal clock.
My goal is to go outside within an hour of waking up, no matter the weather, for a few minutes at least. If I can be barefoot that’s a bonus, but with winter coming, that won’t be realistic then unfortunately. Easy as that! Additionally, when I can, I like to dim or turn off the lights in my bedroom a few hours before sleep.
Dr. Andrew Huberman claims, “There’s a healthy rising tide of cortisol that happens early in the day… it makes you feel alert, it makes you feel able to move and want to move throughout your day for work, for exercise, school, social relations, etc.”
“But it also sets off a timer in your nervous system that dictates when a different hormone, called melatonin, which makes you sleepy, will be secreted. “He continues “When we wake up, our eyes open. If we’re in a dark room, there isn’t enough light to trigger the correct timing of this cortisol and melatonin rhythm. [At day break], when the sun is low in the sky, there’s a particular contrast between yellows and blues, [and that] triggers the activation of the [cortisol].”
Furthermore, this article on PubMed summarizes this concept well, “Light not only enables us to see fine detail, color, and motion, but also exerts non-visual effects on circadian rhythms, sleep, and mood. Light at the wrong times of day may disrupt circadian rhythms, but in the form of light therapy, light exposure can be used as an intervention for psychiatric and other medical conditions.” Interesting!
Health Habits #3~ Squatting While Going #2

Disclaimer: things are getting personal. If you get squeamish about what goes on in the bathroom, do not read this section. You may feel very uncomfortable and yucky. Otherwise, carry on.
A few months ago, I placed a little stool in my bathroom, near my toilet. Nothing fancy, no squatty potty or anything. Simply, a cheap Dollarama stool. Honestly, I have noticed a difference…
According to Healthline “It’s not just marketing hype-pooping in a squatting position really is better for many people’s bodies. Not only does squatting provide a clearer exit for your bowel movements, but it also gives some of the job of emptying your bowels to gravity, thereby cutting down on the strain on your muscles as you poop.”
It gives a straight route out. Thus, making this experience everyone does, quicker and easier. Those with constipation may notice benefits as well. No harm in giving it a shot!
Sing & Dance!

Another ‘weird’ one of my health habits is to dance & sing daily! There are energetic healing practices known as ecstatic dancing, somatic healing, and so on. They involve intuitively moving your body to release stuck energy and emotions. I have spoken about it in detail here.
Emotions are a form of energy in motion. We go through our days experiencing a range of emotions. These emotions all have an energetic signature and influence. This energy may become stuck in our bodies if we don’t allow the emotions to flow out of us through expression, awareness, ect. When we suppress, ignore, or reject the emotion, the energy stores in our bodies. This adds up.
With this in mind, I aim to release stuck energy and emotions through singing & dancing! I allow my body to move in whatever crazy-ass way it wants to, in private haha. When you allow this energy to flow out of you, it feels SO good and freeing.
Additionally, I belt out a song, again in private, usually while I am driving my car somewhere. A lot of energy releases when you sing deep from the belly. Normally, I choose a song that evokes an emotion from me, one I feel connected to in one way or another.
With both of these, a level of not giving a f*ck is helpful! The less you care about how you look and sound, the better 😉 Hence, why I do these in private!
Health Habits #5~ Sprinkle Pepper On Food

Black pepper was once referred to as “black gold” by the Roman Empire! It has an even longer history though, and is native to South and Southeast Asia. It’s a diverse spice; flavors foods, acts as a preservative, has medicinal purposes, and adds heat to dishes.
Personally, I add a little dash to most of my meals for another reason. It has the ability to help your body absorb other nutrients. In particular, it contains a bioactive compound known as ‘piperine’ that positively affects nutrient bioavailability.
Thus, adding a dash of black pepper to your meals increases the amount of nutrients absorbed into your bloodstream! Cool, right? In addition, piperine, considered an antioxidant, may help to lower the risk of certain neurological conditions and cardiovascular disease.
Tongue Scraping

Lastly, tongue scraping is one more weird health habit I practice. Our oral microbiome is increasingly gaining more deserved attention. This important piece of our health has numerous effects and connections to the rest of our health! Traditional Chinese Medicine demonstrates this well. The tongue plays an important role in our oral microbiome! Read my post on the dangers of mouthwash on our oral microbiome and my DIY mouthwash recipe.
Now, our tongue harbors both good and bad bacteria that affect our mouths. The bad bacteria can build up over time leading to issues such as bad breath, tooth decay, gum infections, and more. Tongue scraping removes the bad bacteria, food debris, and dead cells. This leads to a better overall oral microbiome and an improved sense of taste when paired with proper brushing and flossing! It takes a few seconds to do. Therefore, it’s a super easy step to add in to your routine!
What are some ‘weird’ things you do daily for your health?
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Masaru Emoto – Office Masaru Emoto (masaru-emoto.net)
2 – Office Masaru Emoto (masaru-emoto.net)
Effects of light on human circadian rhythms, sleep and mood – PMC (nih.gov)
Best Poop Position: Research, Benefits, Other Tips (healthline.com)
Black Pepper: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information, and More (webmd.com)
Tongue Scraping: 5 Benefits, Side Effects, Using a Spoon, and More (healthline.com)
I didn’t realize I share so many “weird” health habits with you! I do drink water every day, all day, but haven’t tried with salt. The part about the water molecules is very interesting.
There’s many countries that prefer you to squatting while going, and the benefits and facts back it up.
These arent weird, these are good habits. I guess I gotta adapt some!
These are all great practices and all are super important! Thanks for sharing this! I gotta save this one!
I had no idea about the water. Wow! Will definitely keep that in mind.
I drink a ton of water. I’ll have to try that squatting method!
These can be some good habits to have, I just love pepper!