What Are Your Core Wounds?

What is my core wound?

This question floats in my mind all day today. What core emotional wound of mine is being triggered lately? The real wound, not the surface wound spun off another emotional surface wound. The deeper one, where it kind of all begins from that early childhood trauma. What are your core wounds hiding deep down within you?

My Core Wounds

I am going through a bit of a painful experience lately, I feel myself being overtaken by my emotions too often. I see myself shrink and what Eckhart Tolle would call the ‘pain body’ take over. Our pain body houses these wounds; our traumas, conditionings, programming’s and all the aspects that make up our personality. What other call the ego self, or the shadow. It’s all the parts of ourselves and where emotional pain lives. Contrary to this is who we truly are, our essence, soul and who are in the heart. Access to this part happens when we don’t identify with the mind and can just be the witness to our thoughts & emotions, without identification and reaction. This is SO much harder than it sounds.

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For several days I have been lost in my mind, in my emotions, in this pain body. It feels like a high jacking, it comes in, takes over and I’m just along for the ride. It’s so strong and everything around me has a different feel to it, it looks different, sounds different. Unbeknownst to me, last week my pain body was activated. There were events that took place that seriously upset me. On the surface they look like it would upset anyone, but for me they cut me so much deeper than I could even describe, until today. I knew the emotions I was feeling didn’t exactly fit the circumstances as they were gutting to me. I couldn’t try to even make anyone understand as I knew the depth of my anger, sadness, and just pain in general from what happened was a “little” dramatic.

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Bringing in Awareness

So today, I am finally allowing myself to really deal with these feelings. By releasing the energy and emotions in the ways I know benefits me. Such as through singing, dancing, journaling and meditating. For me these are often my go-to’s. As well as walking in nature, exercise and sometimes even screaming into a pillow. Things that get the energy flowing out, everyone may have their own way of releasing. What I find to be especially helpful is meditating in conjunction with journaling. Things surface in my mind and as they do I write, write, write. As I do, I get deeper revelations and dig down into things that I wouldn’t get to before with the other clutter in my mind.

During my ‘dig’ today I realize that what recently triggered in me stems from abandonment and rejection. Things that have led me there are more ‘surface’ wounds. Although still valid and painful, they are not at the core. I suppose they could be called the ‘middle-men’; un-worthiness, heartache, and betrayal. Following these deeper while maintaining curiosity and acceptance allows me to see the deep core wounds hiding in me. This abandonment and rejection stems from my biological mother giving me up to my dad at a very young age. Resulting in a deep pain triggering whenever I feel abandonment and rejection in other instances in my life. Overall, it is quite liberating I must say. Simply knowing where this pain originates from, the root of it all, is so beneficial. Awareness is always the first step to growth. How might this resonate with you in your life?

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